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Zinc Plus

Mixed Micronutrient Fertiliser - Soil Applicant

Zinc Plus is our premium mixed-micronutrient soil application product. In recent years, the deficiency of micronutrients in soil has become a strong reason for poor yield. Zinc Plus help replenish the essential micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, B, Mn) which in turn helps increase the yield. Zinc Plus has evolved as the most trusted micronutrient soil applicant amongst the farmer community over the years.

Zinc Plus
5 kg, 10kg, 25 kg

Product Details


  • Due to unbalanced fertigation practices that have been used for many decades, there is a widespread deficiency of extremely important micronutrient elements in soil.

  • When critical plant activities are hampered by a lack of micronutrients, the outcome is deformed plants, lower yields, and diminished growth. Micronutrients are very essential part of metabolic, biological and hormonal activities in plants. 

  • Omkar Zinc Plus provided as soil application replenishs all major micronutrients - Zinc, Ferrous, Copper, Mangenese, Boron, that are highly essential for holistic plant growth.

  • Replenishing the essential micronutrients in crops enhances flowering and fruit setting, increases yield, improves quality of produce, enhances crop's immunity against diseases.

  • In oilseed crops like caster, groundnut, sesame etc, it increases oil content, size and quanity of seeds

  • In cash crop like cotton, it increases number and size of cotton balls per plant and increases weight of final cotton produced. In tobacco it inceases the size, quality and weight of leaves. In cumin, micronutrients play a major role in improving quality, size, colour and taste.

  • In cereal crops and pulse crops, it help plant produce better quality of produce while improving size and yield of the crop.

Method of Application

Soil Application

  • Zinc plus can be broadcasted after mixing it with farm soil or caster/groundut/neem cake.

  • Apply 10 kg of Zinc plus per acre at the time of basal application and 10 kg to 15 kg of Zinc plus per acre at the time of top dressing application.

  • For horticulture crops, it is recommended to give 100 to 500 gm per crop (depending on crop size) at the time of flowering and fruit setting.


10-15 kg per acre in basal dose (additional top dressing application is recommended)

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